Convert Python File to PDF

Python is a versatile programming language widely used for scripting, automation, and web development. Occasionally, you might find the need to convert your Python code into a more accessible format, such as a PDF. In this article, we will explore some methods to achieve this conversion using different libraries: ReportLab, FPDF, and Matplotlib .

How To Convert A Python File To A Pdf?

Below, are the method To Convert A Python File To A Pdf in Python .

Convert A Python File To A Pdf Using ReportLab

ReportLab is a powerful Python library for creating PDF documents. First, install the ReportLab to convert a Python file to a PDF using the below command

In this example, below code uses the ReportLab library to convert a Python file (‘ ‘) to a PDF (‘output_reportlab.pdf’) . It creates a canvas for the PDF, reads the content of the Python file, and writes it to the PDF at coordinates (100, 800). Finally, the PDF is saved, resulting in a PDF document containing the Python code.


from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas def convert_to_pdf_reportlab(input_file, output_pdf): pdf_canvas = canvas.Canvas(output_pdf) with open (input_file, 'r' ) as python_file: content = pdf_canvas.drawString( 100 , 800 , content) # Example usage: convert_to_pdf_reportlab( '' , 'output_reportlab.pdf' ) print ( "PDF is Saved Successfully" )

Output :

PDF is Saved Successfully

Convert A Python File To A Pdf Using FPDF

FPDF is a lightweight PDF generation library for Python. Here’s how you can use FPDF to convert a Python file first install it using below command:

In this example, below code utilizes the FPDF library to convert a Python file (‘’) into a PDF (‘output_fpdf.pdf’). It creates a PDF document, adds a page, and sets the font. The content of the Python file is then read and inserted into the PDF with line breaks using `multi_cell`. Finally, the resulting PDF is saved, containing the formatted Python code.


from fpdf import FPDF def convert_to_pdf_fpdf(input_file, output_pdf): pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font( "Arial" , size = 12 ) with open (input_file, 'r' ) as python_file: content = pdf.multi_cell( 0 , 10 , content) pdf.output(output_pdf) # Example usage: convert_to_pdf_fpdf( '' , 'output_fpdf.pdf' ) print ( "PDF is Saved Successfully" )

Output :

PDF is Saved Successfully

Convert A Python File To A Pdf Using Matplotlib

Matplotlib is primarily a data visualization library, but it can also be used to convert text into a PDF. first install it.

In this example, below code utilizes the Matplotlib library to convert a Python file (‘’) into a PDF (‘output_matplotlib.pdf’). It reads the content of the Python file, creates a Matplotlib figure with a text element, and saves it as a PDF with no axes. The resulting PDF contains the Python code with the specified formatting.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def convert_to_pdf_matplotlib(input_file, output_pdf): with open (input_file, 'r' ) as python_file: content = fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.text( 0.1 , 0.5 , content, wrap = True , fontsize = 12 ) ax.axis( 'off' ) plt.savefig(output_pdf, format = 'pdf' ) # Example usage: convert_to_pdf_matplotlib( '' , 'output_matplotlib.pdf' ) print ( "PDF is Saved Successfully" )

Output :

PDF is Saved Successfully

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